Stylish sturdy swings that are CPSC compliant.
After seeing a happy baby enjoying a soft sided swing, I set out to make one for my little great granddaughter. She loved it from the first swing! I am a wife, mother, grandmother and a great grandma. I have been a sewer since I was a teenager.
After making the canvas baby swing for our great granddaughter, we decided to add a few baby/toddler swings to our Etsy shop.
LadybugSwingCompany is on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. Please "like" and follow us. We enjoy seeing all the cute children enjoying our swings.
Also visit our other Etsy shops: kjhdesignsonline and Magnolia101.
After making the canvas baby swing for our great granddaughter, we decided to add a few baby/toddler swings to our Etsy shop.
LadybugSwingCompany is on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. Please "like" and follow us. We enjoy seeing all the cute children enjoying our swings.
Also visit our other Etsy shops: kjhdesignsonline and Magnolia101.